Edmond Santa Fe High School Athletics

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Committee on Professional Ethics District 5 Representative - National Athletic  Trainers' Association

Edmond Santa Fe HS is proud to join with numerous Oklahoma High Schools, and the state’s division one universities in support of the state-wide “Safety in Sport Campaign,” presented by the Oklahoma Athletic Trainers’ Association. At Edmond Santa Fe HS, our athletic training staff provides excellence in sports medicine healthcare for the student-athletes each and every day.

On a daily basis, the Sports Medicine team for Edmond Santa Fe HS and McBride play a vital part in keeping student-athletes healthy and safe. Our Santa Fe Sports Medicine Team consists of: Head Athletic Trainer D'Anna Kyle; Graduate Athletic Training Student, Shiloh Thompson; and Dr. Chris Espinoza of McBride Orthopedic Hospital.

As a part of the “Safety in Sport Campaign,” high school and college teams all across Oklahoma will be donning a small helmet sticker on the back of each player’s helmet for the entire. The sticker, which is the logo of the Oklahoma Athletic Trainers’ Association, represents the cumulative efforts of Edmond Santa Fe HS, along with all participating schools and universities and the Oklahoma Athletic Trainers’ Association towards improving safety in all sorts in the state of Oklahoma.

Thank you D'Anna, Shiloh, and Dr. Espinoza for all your expertise and service towards providing safety in football, as well as our other sports here at Edmond Santa Fe.

For more information on how you can keep your athletes safe, visit the Oklahoma Athletic Trainers’ Association website at