Edmond Santa Fe High School Athletics

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Best 18 Hole Score64 - Max McGreevy2012Best State Finish2nd - Rust, Conzales, Dorsey, McGreevy2007
Best 18 Hole Score Related to Par-6 - Max McGreevy (3 times)2012Best State Score883 - Dorsey, Green, Rust, Helms, Waresback2008
-6 - Dillon Rust2007Best 18 Hole Team Score276 - McGreevy, Ison, Troutman, Hagan, Barbee2013
Best 36 hole Score133 - Drew Ison2014276 - Ison, Troutman, Smoak, Hagan, Hinton2014
136 - Drew Dorsey2008Best 36 Hole Team Score556 - Green, Dorsey, Rust, Helms, Gonzales2008
136 - Max McGreevy (3 times)2013556 - Ison, Troutman, Hagan, Smoak, Hinton2014
Best 36 Hole Score Related to Par-9 - Drew ison2014Best 18 Hole Team Score Related to Par-8 - Green, Rust, Gonzales, Dorsey, McGreevy2007
-6 - Max McGreevy2013-8 - Ison, Troutman, Hagan, Smoak, Hinton2014
Best 9th Grade Stroke Average76.1 - Grady Thompson2024Best 36 Hole Team Score Related to Par-11 - Green, Dorsey, Rust, Helms, Gonzales2008
Best 10th Grade Stroke Average74.8 - Andrew Green2006Best Team Scoring Average - Season294 - Green, Rust, Gonzales, Dorsey, McGreevy2007
Best 11th Grade Stroke Average72.1 - Max McGreevy2012297.6 - Troutman, Ison, Hagan, Smoak, Hinton2014
Best 12th Grade Stroke Average71.1 - Max McGreevy2013Most Team Tournament Wins - Season4 - Helms, Morgan, Reed, McGreevy, Stewart2010
Best Single Season Stroke Average71.7 - Max McGreevy20134 - McGreevy, Ison, Burk, Troutman, Hagan2012
Best Career Stroke Average74.1 - Andrew Green2008Most Rounds at Par or Better24 - Troutman, ison, Smoak, Hagan, Hinton, Tillman2014
Best Place at State1st - Max McGreevy2012 & 201315 - McGreevy, Burk, Hagan, Troutman, Barbee2013
3rd - Andrew Green2007Most Medalists in a Season7 - McGreevy, Ison, Burk, Barbee, Smoak, Lovett2013
3rd - Drew Dorsey2008
Best Score at State214 - Max McGreevy2013
216 - Max McGreevy2012
217 - Drew Dorsey2008
Most Tournament Wins in a Season5 - Max McGreevy2013
3 - Max McGreevy2012
2 - Logan Waresback2007
2 - Drew Dorsey2008
Most Tournament Wins in a Career10 - Max McGreevy2009-2013
Most Rounds at Par or Under - Season10 - Max McGreevy2012
Most Rounds at Par or Under - Career24 - Max McGreevy2009-2013
Single Season Stroke Ave Improvement16.5 - Blake Obr2011
Largest Stroke Average Improvement - Career21.0 - Blake Obr 2013