GET YOUR ALL-SPORTS PHYSICALS HERE! | Are you going to be playing any sport next year at Edmond Santa Fe? Then YOU are going to need a spo...
NEW WOLVES GEAR! | We have a new WOLVES STORE! Click on the link to visit the latest in Santa Fe Wolves team gear... ju...
MCBRIDE SPORTS MEDICINE PHYSICALS ARE AVAILABLE NOW! | All Sports Physicals for 2020-21 McBride Orthopedic Hospital is opening up their offices for all a...
EPS ASSUMPTION OF RISK WAIVER FORM AVAILABLE | Edmond Assumption of Risk and Waiver Liability Relating to Athletic Participation and Coronavirus/Co...
IMMEDIATE CARE OF OKLAHOMA PROVIDES PHYSICALS FOR ATHLETES | Immediate Care of Oklahoma is giving back to Oklahoma Schools. We have 6 locations around OKC. We wo...
EPS ATHLETICS - PHASE IN PLAN INFORMATION | EDMOND ATHLETICS PHASE-IN PLAN (updated 5/28/2020 @ 1 pm) Edmond Public Schools, in conjunction w...
2020-2021 ATHLETICS PHYSICALS IMPORTANT INFORMATION | After consulting with our athletic trainers, team physicians and the staff of McBride Hospital. We ...
OSSAA UPDATE ON ATHLETICS | UPDATE TO THE OSSAA WEBSITE ABOUT ATHLETICS: (we will keep you posted on new developments as we re...
SF Wolves Tennis